Kia ora koutou,
Anyone else struggling under the weight of end-of-year purchases that need cataloguing? I’ve done more in the past 2 weeks than in the previous 2 months combined!
Anyhoo, what I wanted to ask about was the Search External Resources function in Alma. When it asked what we’d like to search (Search Cataloguing Profile) the options include:
· Australian National Bibliography
· British Library
· Library of Congress
· Oxford University
· Te Puna
Now in reality for us only OCLC and Te Puna actually work. I’ve discussed this with our Digital Access team who are of the opinion that the other profiles would cost us a lot of money to set up and get access to.
Is this right? Does anyone have access to these other profiles? Can you share a bit about what it costs/how you set it up?
We’re particularly interested in the British Library and Australian NB in that order, as it would be a huge help with some of our serials cataloguing where we can find a good record on the British Library website but have no way to import it other than very slow copying line by line (that’s manual typing as you will probably be aware that copy/paste doesn’t work so well in the Alma metadata editor).
Thanks in advance for your help, if I haven’t explained something clearly then I blame it on being Monday morning and I’ll be happy to clarify :)
Nga mihi,
Rebecca Dames
Library Assistant, Content and Service Delivery
Library, Teaching & Learning, Te Wharepūrākau
P O Box 85064
Lincoln University
Lincoln 7647
New Zealand
p +64 3 4230353
e Rebecca.Dames(a)<> | w<>
Lincoln University, Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki
New Zealand's Specialist Land-Based University
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