[apologies for cross-posting]
Kia ora,
Just a reminder that the live RSC (RDA Steering Committee) discussion of the two open working group proposals is going to be held on Zoom early on the morning of August 3. Observers are welcome, and if you are interested you need to email the RSC Secretary at rscsecretary(a)rdatoolkit.org<mailto:rscsecretary@rdatoolkit.org> to be given access. The session is 2 hours in duration, beginning at 7am NZST, so 5am AEST and even earlier as you move west.
The two proposals to be voted on, along with the responses from RSC members, can be found on the RSC website:
RSC/LanguagesWG/2023/1 - Preferred names and official languages of corporate bodies, governments and places in RDA: http://rda-rsc.org/node/756
RSC/ReligionsWG/2023/1 - Religious titles: http://rda-rsc.org/node/753
ngā mihi,
Charlotte Christensen
ORDAC representative to RSC
Charlotte Christensen RLIANZA
Mātanga Whakaahuaanga Kohinga Matua Senior Collection Description Specialist
Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand
Direct Dial: 07 867 1234
www.natlib.govt.nz<http://www.natlib.govt.nz/> | dia.govt.nz<http://www.dia.govt.nz/>
National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs
Interesting Blog here What's in a word - describing LGBTQ+ collections
It appears that they are using Homosarus for the archival collections - but not the published collections...
I wonder how many other NZ libraries are using Homosarus?
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Kia ora,
Thanks to everyone who attended these webinar sessions, I hope you found them helpful.
The recordings are now all available through the RDA Toolkit YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/c/rdatoolkitvideo> and PDF versions of the slides can be found on the RSC website in the Oceania section<http://rda-rsc.org/rda-rsc.org/Oceania/resources>.
Additionally, ACORD and LIANZA CatSIG are providing access to the full slide deck and speaker's notes, so get in touch with the relevant committee if you can't find these. For CatSIG they are available on the Cataloguing channel of the LIANZA Connect website<https://lianza.connectedcommunity.org/home>. Instructions on how to access to LIANZA Connect are available here on this blog post<https://www.librariesaotearoa.org.nz/korero-blog/join-us-on-lianza-connect>.
ngā mihi nui,
ORDAC RSC representative
Charlotte Christensen RLIANZA
Mātanga Whakaahuaanga Kohinga Matua Senior Collection Description Specialist
Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand
Direct Dial: 07 867 1234
www.natlib.govt.nz<http://www.natlib.govt.nz/> | dia.govt.nz<http://www.dia.govt.nz/>
National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs