You may wish to consider the following options for your accommodation. Please book directly with the providers, but let them know you are an IVCNZ delegate. We have reserved a limited number of rooms.
The Mercure
You may wish to stay in the
Mercure Wellington (the conference venue) . The period of discounted rates has expired, but the hotel may still have available rooms.
Te Puni Villiage
You may also elect to stay at the
Te Puni Villiage. There is no booking code, but please let them know that you are associated with the IVCNZ conference. Te Puni is a very short walk from the conference hotel (about five minutes walk).
Other Accommodation
There are numerous other accommodation options that you might wish to consider. See
here for more information. For those of you unfamiliar with Wellington, please be aware that it is a distinctly three dimensional city. Places that look relatively close to the conference venue may require steeper climbs than you might expect, so allow some extra time if you plan to walk.