Intelligent Systems, Machine Learning, and AI

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The "AI group" is a loose affiliation of staff who are spread across the ECS faculty as well as Maths.

The current (hopefully) research interests of the core AI staff are here: ResearchInterests.

AI Courses at Victoria

  • AIML 131: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (our "intro" AI course with no maths/programming requirements)
  • AIML 231: Techniques in Machine Learning
  • AIML 232: Techniques in Artificial Intelligence
  • AIML 320: Artificial Intelligence ("intro" course for 3rd years with no AI knowledge but who have programming background)
  • AIML 331: AI Computer Vision and Image/Video Processing
  • AIML 332: AI Natural Language Processing
  • AIML 333: Acting, Planning, and Scheduling
  • AIML 335: Machine Learning (from 2026)
  • AIML 339: Artificial Intelligence Project
  • AIML 420: Artificial Intelligence (co-taught with AIML320)
  • AIML 425: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • AIML 426: Evolutionary Computation and Learning
  • AIML 427: Big Data
  • AIML 428: Text Mining and Natural Language Processing
  • AIML 429: Probabilistic Machine Learning
  • AIML 430: Applications and Implications of Artificial Intelligence
  • AIML 431: Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence
  • AIML 487: Research Project

Staff with AI research interests

The group includes a very substantial strength in Evolutionary Computing and Machine Learning - see ECRG:

as well as staff with a wider variety of interests in AI and Deep Learning:

See also - Completed graduate theses