CJing: Combining Live Coding and VJing for Live Visual Performance

Live coding focuses on improvising content by coding in textual interfaces, but this reliance on low level text editing impairs usability by not allowing for high level manipulation of content. VJing focuses on remixing existing content with graphical user interfaces and hardware controllers, but this focus on high level manipulation does not allow for fine-grained control where content can be improvised from scratch or manipulated at a low level. This thesis proposes the code jockey practice (CJing), a new hybrid practice that combines aspects of live coding and VJing practice. In CJing, a performer known as a code jockey (CJ) interacts with code, graphical user interfaces and hardware controllers to create or manipulate real-time visuals. CJing harnesses the strengths of live coding and VJing to enable flexible performances where content can be controlled at both low and high levels. Live coding provides fine-grained control where content can be improvised from scratch or manipulated at a low level while VJing provides high level manipulation where content can be organised, remixed and interacted with. To illustrate CJing, this thesis contributes Visor, a new environment for live visual performance that embodies the practice. Visor's design is based on key ideas of CJing and a study of live coders and VJs in practice. To evaluate CJing and Visor, this thesis reflects on the usage of Visor in live performances and feedback gathered from creative coders, live coders, and VJs who experimented with the environment.





  • visor.png: