
HCI Staff

These are the following academic staff that form the HCI Research group within the School of Engineering and Computer Science. The group is co-led by the HCI Staff. Also see our list of Alumni.

Affiliated Staff

Within the Faculty of Engineering we work closely on some projects with the Software and Programming Group, Computer Graphics Group, and Computational Media Innovation Center (CMIC).


The group consists of the following students ranging from PhD students, Masters thesis students and students completing final year or honours projects. Also see our list of Alumni.

Student Topic Degree Supervisor
Dan Archer Mobile apps to support sleep health and emotional wellbeing PhD Terry Fleming and Simon McCallum
Nishadi Ariyasinghe XR for Digital Mental Health - Loneliness PhD Simon McCallum, Craig Anslow
Tristan Bunn Visual Analytics for Learning Management Systems PhD Craig Anslow
Kieran Carnegie VR Human Perception and Changes PhD Simon McCallum, Gina Grimshaw
Hiroshika Hinduramage An AR Mobile Application for Training Children with ASD with Social Skills PhD Stuart Marshall, Nadia Pantidi
Muhammad Saad Khan Improving Radiation Therapy Diagnosis with Intelligent Interfaces PhD Craig Anslow, Brian Robinson, Joaquim Jorge
Hunter Mulder Computer Games for single sensory modality PhD Simon McCallum
Mindula Rowel XR-Based Memory Training for Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment PhD Simon McCallum and Craig Anslow
Hansi Udapola Conversational Virtual Characters for Improving Social Experiences in Collaborative Games PhD Simon McCallum, NadiaPantidi
Nisal Udawatta XR simulator to guide cardiac surgeries PhD Craig Anslow, Brian Robinson

VUW Collaborators

HCI is an interdisciplinary subject and we also work with a number of other VUW academics in different faculties and schools (please contact us if you would like to collaborate):

Faculty of Science

  • James Bell - School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science
  • Mairead de Roiste - School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science
  • Gina Grimshaw - School of Psychology, Faculty of Science
  • Chris Maymon - School of Psychology, Faculty of Science
  • James Renwick - School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science
  • Alice Rogers - School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science

Faculty of Health

  • Terry Fleming - School of Health, Faculty of Health
  • Karen McBride-Henry - School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Practice, Faculty of Health
  • Lorna Massov - School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Practice, Faculty of Health
  • Tara Officer - School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Practice, Faculty of Health
  • Brian Robinson - School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Practice, Faculty of Health

Business School

Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation

Faculty of Education