Research Funding

  • VUW Cross Disciplinary Fund (CDF). "Fostering pro-environmental attitudes and intentions through awe-some experiences in Virtual Reality" Gina Grimshaw, Craig Anslow, Mairead de Roiste, Christian Schott, Christopher Maymon, James Bell ($49,628.00K NZD) 2023
  • VUW SHEADI Funding. Jennifer Ferreira ($99,536.70 NZD) 2022
  • VUW SHEADI Equipment Grant. Craig Anslow ($100K NZD) 2022
  • Veracity Technology. SFTI Spearhead Project. Kevin Shedlock ($2 million NZD) 2021
  • MBIE Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund. Kevin Shedlock ($250K NZD) 2021
  • Te Kapahaka Pūnaha Taupanga (The kapahaka software judging system). SFTI Kaupapa kākano Seed projects. Kevin Shedlock ($199,999 NZD) 2021
  • Gait training using smart insoles and immersive reality technologies (XR). Nadia Pantidi, Rafael Kuffner Dos Anjos. National Science Challenge Science for Technological Innovation (SFTI) ($200K NZD) 2020-2022
  • Automating Automated Testing. Michael Homer, Jens Dietrich, Craig Anslow. National Science Challenge Science for Technological Innovation (SFTI) ($200K NZD) 2020-2022
  • Catalyst Leaders Grant on EMERGE: Extended reality and Multimodal interfaces to Enhance Remote collaboration and their applications to medical and enGinEering Domains. Craig Anslow ($150K NZD) 2020-2022
  • Victoria University Research Fund (URF) Serious Games for Mental Health. Simon McCallum ($20K NZD) 2019
  • Victoria University Digital Futures Gamified mobile application for reducing youth depression. Craig Anslow, Simon McCallum ($15,800 NZD) 2018
  • Victoria University Digital Futures Insights into learning environments. Craig Anslow ($14,343.90 NZD) 2018
  • Victoria University Research Fund (URF) User Centered Secure Programming. Craig Anslow ($35K NZD) 2017