The patient journey through EDs (emergency departments) or UCCs (urgent care centres) for non-emergency health care is often a negative experience. This can be attributed to the various pain points a patient will likely face throughout their journey such as uncertainty around what service to use, when to go, how long they will have to wait, how the system works, etc. These are all things the patient needs to consider on top of their current health condition, which results in great frustration and an inability to effectively engage with the service to receive the treatment they need.

As a solution to this problem of poor patient journeys through EDs/ UCCs, a mobile app (myED) was developed. The purpose of myED is to serve as a one-stop platform for all the information a patient would need throughout their journey. More specifically, the app allows a patient to identify where exactly they are within their journey and receive information relevant to that, which means they can make an informed decision about what to do next with minimal stress. With the release of myED, not only will the patient journey be improved, but ED wait times, waiting room overcrowding, and aggression towards staff members will all be reduced.



