Next Stop Display on Public Transport Networks

Most public transport networks in New Zealand do not have real-time internal display systems installed to provide passengers with relevant information about the status of their trip; most notably the upcoming stop schedule. This limitation limits the overall usability of New Zealand public transport systems, especially for passengers new to the area (such as tourists). A local company, Radiola Limited, aimed to resolve this issue with a bespoke software application called the Next Stop Display, which produces a user interface centred around a list of upcoming stops on a vehicle. However, this system had a number of limitations that prevented its deployment. The purpose of this project was to develop an updated version that would be in a deployable state. Once the new application was developed, a user study was conducted to evaluate its effectiveness and investigate which information display configurations were preferred by customers. The results of this study indicated a high degree of system usability, and that display configurations providing only directly relevant information were preferred to those showing general announcements or advertising.




