SepVis: A Decision Support Tool for Managing Sepsis in the Emergency Department

Sepsis is severe and potentially life-threatening medical condition arising as a complication of a blood infection. As one of the leading preventable causes of patient mortality worldwide, early identification, continuous monitoring, and timely treatment of sepsis is vital. Existing lengthy procedures, manual data entry, and an absence of tools to assist clinical decision-making within the Wellington Regional Hospital’s Emergency Department present limitations that delay diagnosis and treatment. Substantial opportunities therefore exist in applying modern software engineering practices and web-based technologies to stream- line the identification, monitoring, and treatment of sepsis. Consequently, SepVis, an interactive information visualisation and clinical decision support system was designed, implemented, and evaluated in overcoming the present systematic and methodological challenges. SepVis aims to reduce critical task-load for clinicians, facilitate productive communication concerning patients, then accurately, confidently, and concisely support clinical decision-making.



