Understanding SDAZ - Mouse vs. Touch vs. 3D Gestures

Igarashi and Hinckley (UIST 2000) developed a novel technique for navigating large documents called Speed-dependent Automatic Zooming (SDAZ). The SDAZ algorithm allows the zoom of the document to scale automatically depending on the speed the user is scrolling. Cockburn and Savage (2004), conducted user studies on SDAZ with traditional scrolling and zooming techniques, and found that SDAZ significantly improved users’ performance. Previous SDAZ studies only considered single input implementations (mouse/joystick (Igarashi and Hinckley, 2000) and mouse (Cockburn and Savage 2004, Savage 2002), but no research has considered comparing multiple input devices. This research presents a controlled user experiment comparing SDAZ for mouse, touch, and 3D mid-air gesture input, and evaluated the efficiency and effectiveness for navigating maps and text documents. Results show that the performance of participants (N=30) were slower with SDAZ for all input devices but they preferred the technique subjectively via a NASA Task Load Index assessment. With further familiarity and refinement of the implementation for non-mouse input devices, SDAZ may surpass traditional navigation techniques.

sdaz1.png  sdaz2.png  sdaz3.png

