Understanding the Effectiveness of 360 Motion in VR Simulators

Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that enables people to interact with an artificial 3D visual environment. VR simulators are an emerging market that aims to enhance already-existing simulations with the added features of VR immersion. Most VR Simulators are limited in how motion is experienced: as it is typically constrained to movement in the X or Y-axis. This leads to a less realistic experience when trying to simulate a real, physical world. The NOVA is a unique, untethered VR motion simulator, which provides an opportunity to provide 360 degrees of motion. We are researching the question of ”how effective is 360 motion for VR experiences?” We have conducted several studies with participants who have experienced VR with and without motion. The results found that the Nova increased presence, realism, and the effectiveness of the VR simulation. There are implications that the Nova may increase sickness, meaning that VR sickness mitigation techniques should still be used, but this requires further research.

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