VR for Underwater Marine Science
Teaching students about underwater marine science is difficult due to the limitations required to access underwater environments. Marine science is typically not taught until tertiary education levels. We have developed a Virtual Reality experience for teaching marine science activities focusing on high school students. Our education programme and VR tool can help train the next generation of students into learning and being aware about marine science.
- James Bell
- Alice Rogers
- Craig Anslow
- Simon McCallum
- Kristian Hansen - Research Assistant
- Hunter Mulder - Research Assistant
Project Links
- Project page: https://homepages.ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~craig/projects/underwatermarine/
- News article: Secrets of a marine biologist revealed
- Meta App Lab store app: NZ Underwater Marine VR
- James Bell, Alice Rogers, Kristian Hansen, Craig Anslow, and Simon McCallum. Diving into the Twilight Zone VR for Marine Biology. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Christchurch, New Zealand, 2023.
- ACM VRST 2023 - Poster - UnderwaterMarine.pdf