Improving the Cable Car Experience with VR
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, borders have been closed to most overseas visitors and the tourism industry in New Zealand has suffered. Wellington Cable Car (WCCL), a popular spot for tourists before the pandemic, has seen a large reduction in traffic through its one-of-a-kind funicular railway. However, as restrictions ease in New Zealand and borders reopened this year, WCCL anticipates the return of what used to be their main consumer group. With Wellington’s many tourist attractions, there is sure to be some competition for the attention of these overseas travellers. To stand out and draw tourists in, WCCL needs something new and exciting, to contrast its rich history. Although many things had to take a standstill during the pandemic, technology was not one of these things. More and more people are becoming interested in participating in Virtual Reality (VR) experiences, and VR has even become an option for commuters. The goal of this project is to develop a prototype for an application that will enhance the experience of the cable car and can be a fond reminder of tourists’ visits when they return home.
