Research Publications
Publications by year since 2009
- Guanghui Wei, Feng Zhang, Gang Xu, Winston KG Seah, Zixuan Yuan, Yongqiang Shi, Social relationships and location information based routing algorithm in opportunistic networks, Internet of Things, Volume 29, January 2025, 101425.
- Duncan E Cameron, Murugaraj Odiathevar, Alvin C Valera and Winston KG Seah, ElasticRoute: Dynamic Flow Routing for Wireless Access Networks, accepted by the 39th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, April 9-11, 2025, Barcelona, Spain. (Submitted version)
- Duncan E Cameron, Murugaraj Odiathevar, Alvin C Valera and Winston KG Seah, ElasticWISP-NG: Proactive Energy Management for Scalable WISP Access Networks, accepted by the International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 28 November 2024.
- Ye Zhang, Xingyun He, Jin Xing, Wuyungerile Li and Winston KG Seah, Load-Balanced Offloading of Multiple Task Types in IoT and Mobile Edge Computing, Elsevier Internet of Things journal, Volume 28, December 2024, 101385.
- Farah Hoteit, Eugen Dedu, Dominique Dhoutaut and Winston KG Seah, 3D dynamic ring-based forwarder selection to improve packet delivery in ultra-dense nanonetworks, Nano Communication Networks, Vol 39, March 2024. (Online since 30 November 2023.)
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers
- Xing Wang, Yuan Cheng, Winston KG Seah, Xiaodong Xu and Gang Xu, An Opportunistic Networks Load Distribution Model Based on Forwarding Assistance, accepted by the 20th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN), December 20-22, 2024, Harbin, China. (Submitted version)
- Brandon Ru, Winston KG Seah and Alvin C Valera, "Synchronization Control-Plane Protocol for Quantum Link Layer," Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), October 28-31, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic. (acceptance rate: 17.35%)
- Buddhima Sachinthana Amarathunga, Jyoti Sahni and Alvin C Valera, "Exploring Effective Sensor Deployment Techniques for Dynamic Region of Interest," Proceedings of the IEEE 49th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 8-10, 2024, Caen, Normandy, France.
- Xiaojing Liu, Jiayu Cui, Winston KG Seah, Xiaodong Xu and Gang Xu, “Opportunistic Routing using Q-Learning with Context Information,” Proceedings of the 30th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON), August 23-25, 2024, Shanghai, China. (Submitted version)
- Xiaoyue Zhu, Bing Jia, Baoqi Huang, Haodong Li, Xiaohao Liu and Winston KG Seah, "Pest-YOLO: A lightweight pest detection model based on multi-level feature fusion," Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC), August 5-8, 2024, Tianjin, China.
- Yunhan Li, Chunyan An, Qiang Yang, Winston KG Seah and Conghao Yang, “How “Like-minded Peers” Enhanced Session-based Social Recommendation,” Work-In-Progress, Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), July 7-13, 2024, Shenzhen, China.
- Zhiyang Li, Wentao Ding, Xiujin Wang, Wuyungerile Li and Winston KG Seah, A Novel Exponential Dynamic Inertia Weight for Particle Swarm Optimization, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), June 30 - July 5, 2024, Yokohama, Japan. (Submitted version)
- Qi Tang, Xiaodong Xu, Shuai Li, Winston KG Seah and Gang Xu, Probabilistic Offloading Algorithm For Opportunistic Networks Integrating Node Influence Prediction, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Wireless Artificial Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (WASA), June 21-23, 2024, Qingdao, China.
- Shutao Lu, Wuyungerile Li, Yintu Bao, Alvin Valera, Winston KG Seah and Baoqi Huang, Routing over Best Links is not necessarily Better in Wireless Multi-hop Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 19–21 June 2024, Guangzhou, China. (Submitted version)
- Xingyun He, Hu Liu, Wuyungerile Li, Alvin C Valera and Winston K.G. Seah, EABC: Energy-aware Centrality-based Caching for Named Data Networking in the IoT, Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 4-7 June 2024, Perth, Australia. (Submitted version)
- Duncan Cameron, Murugaraj Odiathevar, Alvin Valera and Winston KG Seah, POLUS: Detecting and Characterising Latency Under Load In Multi-Bottleneck Wireless Internet Service Provider Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), May 6–10, 2024, Seoul, South Korea.
- Duncan Cameron, Murugaraj Odiathevar, Alvin Valera and Winston KG Seah, ElasticWISP-NG: Towards Dynamic Resource Provisioning for WISP Access Networks, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), April 17-19, 2024, Kitakyushu, Japan. (Submitted version)
- Janel Huang, Murugaraj Odiathevar, Alvin Valera, Jyoti Sahni, Marcus Frean and Winston KG Seah, Realtime BGP Anomaly Detection using Graph Centrality Features, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), April 17-19, 2024, Kitakyushu, Japan. (Submitted version)
Journal Articles
- Adrian Pekar, Laszlo A. Makara, Yuan Cheng Lai, Ying Dar Lin and Winston KG Seah, P4toNFV: Offloading from P4 Switches to NFV in Programmable Data Planes, International Journal of Communication Systems, 22 December 2023.
- Rishika Mehta, Jyoti Sahni and Kavita Khanna, Task scheduling for improved response time of latency sensitive applications in fog integrated cloud environment, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 82, pp. 32305–32328 (2023).
- Adrian Pekar, Laszlo A. Makara, Winston KG Seah and Oscar Mauricio Caicedo Rendon, Balancing Information Preservation and Data Volume Reduction: Adaptive Flow Aggregation in Flow Metering Systems, Infocommunications Journal, Vol XV, No 3, September 2023, pp. 82-94,
- Yue Tian, Baiyun Xiao, Xianling Wang, Yau Hee Kho, Chen Zhu, Wenda Li, Qinying Li and Xuejie Hu, Opportunistic RIS-assisted Rate Splitting Transmission in Coordinated Multiple Points Networks, Computer Communications, Vol. 202, 15 March 2023, pp. 23-32,
- Baiyun Xiao, Yue Tian, Wenda Li, Yau Hee Kho, Xianling Wang, Chen Zhu and Hong Liu, Performance Analysis of Adaptive RIS-Assisted Clustering Strategies in Downlink Communication Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 10, No. 5, 01 March 2023, pp. 4520 - 4530,
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers
- Ye Zhang, Xingyun He, Jin Xing, Wuyungerile Li and Winston KG Seah, Balanced Offloading of Multiple Task Types in Mobile Edge Computing, poster, Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2023), December 17-21, 2023, Ocean Flower Island, Hainan, China.
- Chung Yup Kim, Bryan C.K. Ng, Jyoti Sahni, Normalia Samian and Winston KG Seah, Blockchain Network Platform for IoT Data Integrity and Scalability, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS), October 22-26, 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand. [acceptance rate is 23.47% (54/230)] (Submitted version)
- Alvin Valera, Niels Clayton, Winston KG Seah and Tao Zheng, Optimal Transmission Scheduling in Data-Intensive Audio Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE Globecom - IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium, 4-8 December 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Submitted version)
- Ning Li, Winston KG Seah, Zhengyu Hou, Bing Jia, Baoqi Huang and Wuyungerile Li, An Energy Aware Adaptive Clustering Protocol for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Data (SSTD), 23-25 August 2023, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Submitted version)
- Ye Zhang, Wuyungerile Li and Winston KG Seah, Admission Control with Latency Considerations for 5G Mobile Edge Computing, Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 12-15 June 2023, Boston, MA, USA. (Submitted version)
- Alvin Valera and Duncan Cameron, Leveraging Hybrid Information Centric Networking for Broker-Free Publish/Subscribe in IoT, Proceedings of the IEEE ICC - IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium, 28 May - 01 June 2023, Rome, Italy. (Submitted version)
- Qiwei Xiang, Yau Hee Kho, Winston KG Seah, Yue Tian, Rui Fang and Peng Huang, Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm for PD-NOMA User Pairing, Proceedings of the IEEE ICC – Selected Areas in Communications: Quantum Communications and Information Technology, 28 May - 01 June 2023, Rome, Italy. (Submitted version)
- Farah Hoteit, Eugen Dedu, Winston KG Seah and Dominique Dhoutaut, Influence of beta and source packet rate on electromagnetic nanocommunications, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Nanjing, PR China, 12-14 January 2023. Submitted version)
Journal Articles
- Winston KG Seah, Chung-Hau Lee, Ying-Dar Lin and Yuan-Cheng Lai, Combined Communication and Computing Resource Scheduling in Sliced 5G Multi-access Edge Computing Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 71, No 3, March 2022. Available online since 29 December 2021. (submitted version)
- Murugaraj Odiathevar, Winston KG Seah and Marcus Frean, A Bayesian Approach To Distributed Anomaly Detection In Edge AI Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol 13, No 12, December 2022. Available online since 18 February 2022. (Submitted version)
- Chen Tian, Yue Tian, Xianling Wang, Yau Hee Kho, Zhenzhe Zhong, Wenda Li and Baiyun Xiao, Human Activity Recognition With Commercial WiFi Signals, IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 121580 - 121589, 18 November 2022,
- Talgat Manglayev, Refik Caglar Kizilirmak, Yau Hee Kho, Nor Asilah Wati Abdul Hamid and Yue Tian, AI Based Power Allocation for NOMA, Wireless Personal Communications, 124, pp. 3253–3261, 27 January 2022,
- Jakob Pfender, Alvin Valera and Winston KG Seah, Reassessing Caching Performance in Information-Centric IoT, Internet of Things journal, Elsevier, 1 January 2022. (submitted version)
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers
- Farah Hoteit, Dominique Dhoutaut, Winston KG Seah and Eugen Dedu, Dynamic ring-based forwarder selection to improve packet delivery in ultra-dense nanonetworks, Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NanoCom), October 5-7, 2022, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain.
- Atefeh Talebian, Alvin Valera, Jyoti Sahni and Winston KG Seah, Robust Intra-Slice Migration in Fog Computing, Proceedings of the IEEE 47th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), September 26-29, 2022, hybrid format (hosted in Edmonton, Canada). (submitted version)
- Farah Hoteit, Eugen Dedu, Winston KG Seah and Dominique Dhoutaut, Expanded ring-based forwarder selection to improve packet delivery in ultra-dense nanonetworks, Proceedings of the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2022), May 30-June 3, 2022, Croatia. (submitted version)
- Farah Hoteit, Eugen Dedu, Winston KG Seah and Dominique Dhoutaut, Ring-based forwarder selection to improve packet delivery in ultra-dense networks, Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 10–13, 2022, Austin, TX, USA. (submitted manuscript)
Journal Articles
- Trung Nguyen, Mehnaz Adnan, Binh P Nguyen, Joep de Ligt, Jemma L Geoghegan, Richard Dean, Sarah Jefferies, Michael G Baker, Winston KG Seah, Andrew A Sporle, Nigel Peter French, David R Murdoch, David Welch, and Colin R Simpson, COVID-19 vaccine strategies for Aotearoa New Zealand: a mathematical modelling study, The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific, Vol 15, 100256, October 01, 2021.
- Yue Tian, Baiyun Xiao, Xianling Wang, Yau Hee Kho, Chen Tian, "Performance analysis of opportunistic NOMA strategy in uplink coordinated multi-points systems," Computer Communications, Volume 177, Pages 207-212, 1 September 2021.
- Sahni, J. and Vidyarthi, Heterogeneity-aware elastic scaling of streaming applications on cloud platforms. The Journal of Supercomputing, 77, pp.10512-10539 September 2021
- Adrian Pekar, Alejandra Duque-Torres, Winston KG Seah and Oscar Mauricio Caicedo Rendon, Towards Threshold-agnostic Heavy-hitter Detection, International Journal of Network Management, 29 September 2021.
- Adrian Pekar, Alejandra Duque-Torres, Winston KG Seah and Oscar Mauricio Caicedo Rendon, "Knowledge Discovery: Can it shed new light on threshold definition for heavy-hitter detection?," Journal of Network and Systems Management, Volume 29, Article No 24, 04 March 2021.
- Jozef Mocnej, Adrian Pekar, Winston KG Seah, Peter Papcun, Erik Kajati, Dominika Cupkova, Jiri Koziorek and Iveta Zolotova, "Quality-Enabled Decentralized IoT Architecture for Efficient Resources Utilization," Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing journal, Special Issue on Industrial Internet for Manufacturing, Volume 67, February 2021.
- Murugaraj Odiathevar, Winston KG Seah, Marcus Frean and Alvin Valera, "An Online Offline Framework for Anomaly Scoring and Detecting New Traffic in Network Streams," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, available online on 11 January 2021.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers
- Murugaraj Odiathevar, Duncan Cameron, Winston KG Seah, Marcus Frean and Alvin Valera, "Humans Learning from Machines: When Data Science Meets Network Management," invited paper, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS 2021), January 5-9, 2021, Bengaluru, India. (submitted manuscript)
- SM Kala, V Sathya, Winston KG Seah, H Yamaguchi and T Higashino, "Evaluation of Theoretical Interference Estimation Metrics for Dense Wi-Fi Networks," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS 2021), January 5-9, 2021, Bengaluru, India.
Technical Reports
- Wei-Chuan Lin, Winston K.G. Seah and Wei Li, "People Counting using Radio Irregularity in Wireless Sensor Networks -- An Experimental Study," 1 July 2021, available from:
Journal Articles
- Liang Yang, Bryan Ng, Winston KG Seah, Lindsay Groves, Deepak Singh, "A survey on network forwarding in Software-Defined Networking," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, available online 9 December 2020. (Submitted manuscript)
- Adrian Pekar, Jozef Moncej, Winston KG Seah and Iveta Zolotova, "Application Domain-based Overview of IoT Network Technologies and Characteristics," ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 53, No 4, July 2020. (Submitted version).
- Liang Yang, Bryan Ng, Winston KG Seah and Deepak Singh, Performance Evaluation of Equivalent Forwarding Sets in Software Defined Networking, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 153, 1 March 2020.
- Deepak Singh, Bryan Ng, Yuan-Cheng Lai, Ying-Dar Lin and Winston KG Seah, Full Encapsulation or Internal Buffering in OpenFlow based Hardware Switches?, Computer Networks, Volume 167, 11 February 2020.
- Yue Tian, Xianling Wang, Zhanwei Wang, Yau Hee Kho, "On the Performance of Mutual-Aid NOMA Strategy in Cooperative Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, Volume: 24, Issue: 2, Feb. 2020.
- Jianan Sun, Qing Gu, Tao Zheng, Ping Dong, Alvin Valera, and Yaquan Qin “Joint Optimization of Computation Offloading and Task Scheduling in Vehicular Edge Computing Networks,” IEEE Access, 17 January 2020.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers
- SM Kala, V Sathya, Winston KG Seah and BR Tamma, "CIRNO: Leveraging Capacity Interference Relationship for Dense Networks Optimization," Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 25-28 May 2020, Seoul, South Korea.
- Duncan Cameron, Alvin Valera and Winston KG Seah, "ElasticWISP – Energy-Proportional WISP Networks," Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2020), 20-24 April 2020, Budapest, Hungary.
Journal Articles
- Yuki Goto, Bryan Ng, Winston KG Seah and Yutaka Takahashi, Queueing Analysis of Software Defined Networks with Realistic OpenFlow-based Switch Model, Computer Networks, Volume 164, 9 December 2019.
- Q.B. Guo, Y. Zhang, J. Lloret, B. Kantarci and Winston K.G. Seah, A Localization Method Avoiding Flip Ambiguities for micro-UAVs with Bounded Distance Measurement Errors, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol 18, No 8, August 2019, Pages 1718-1730.
- Deepak Singh, Bryan Ng, Y.C. Lai, Y.D. Lin and Winston K.G. Seah, Analytical Modeling of Software and Hardware Switches with Internal Buffer in Software-Defined Networks, Journal of Networking and Computer Applications, Vol 136, 15 June 2019, Pages 22-37. (Submitted manuscript)
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers
- Alejandra Duque-Torres, Adrian Pekar, Winston K.G. Seah and Oscar Mauricio Caicedo Rendon, "Heavy-Hitter Flow Identification in Data Centre Networks Using Packet Size Distribution and Template Matching," Proceedings of the IEEE 44th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 14-17, 2019, Osnabrück, Germany.
- Jakob Pfender, Alvin Valera and Winston K.G. Seah, "Easy as ABC: A Lightweight Centrality-Based Caching Strategy for Information-Centric IoT," Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking 2019 (ACM ICN), September 24-26, 2019, Macau, China.
- Abigail Koay, Ian Welch and Winston K.G. Seah, Effectiveness of Entropy-based Features in High- and Low-Intensity DDoS Attack Detection, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2019), 28-30 August 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
- Jordan Ansell, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, Validating the Accuracy of Analytical Modelling in Software Defined Networks, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2019), 10-12 August 2019, Zhangjiajie, China.
- Murugaraj Odiathevar, Winston K.G. Seah and Marcus Frean, A Hybrid Online Offline System for Network Anomaly Detection, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2019) July 29 - August 1, 2019, Valencia, Spain.
- Jarrod Bakker, Bryan Ng, Winston K.G. Seah and Adrian Pekar, Traffic classification with machine learning in a live network, Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2019) - Experience Sessions, April 8-12, 2019, Washington DC, USA.
- Adrian Pekar, Mona Ruan and Winston K.G. Seah, Angular Histogram-Based Visualisation of Network Traffic Flow Measurement Data, Proceeding of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2019), March 27 to March 29, 2019, Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Japan.
Technical Reports
- Jakob Pfender, Alvin Valera and Winston K. G. Seah, "Content Delivery Latency of Caching Strategies for Information-Centric IoT," 3 May 2019, available from:
Book Chapters
- Alvin C. Valera, Wei Qi Lee, Hwee-Pink Tan, Hwee Xian Tan, and Huiguang Liang, 'Real world, large scale IoT systems for community eldercare: Experiences and lessons learned', Elderly care: Options, challenges and trends, Nova Science, 2018.
- Nadee Goonawardene, Pius Lee, Hwee-Xian Tan, Alvin Valera and Hwee-Pink Tan, 'Technologies for Ageing-In-Place: The Singapore Context', In Menkhoff et al. (editors), Living in Smart Cities, World Scientific, 2018.
Journal Articles
- Talgat Manglayev, Refik Caglar Kizilirmak, Yau Hee Kho, Nor Asilah Wati Abdul Hamid, "GPU accelerated successive interference cancellation for NOMA uplink with user clustering," Wireless Personal Communications, 103, pages 2391–2400, December 2018.
- Deepak Singh, Bryan Ng, Y.C. Lai, Y.D. Lin and Winston K.G. Seah, Modelling Software-Defined Networking: Software and Hardware Switches, Journal of Networking and Computer Applications, Vol 122, 15 November 2018. (Submitted version)
- Hang Yu, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, 'TTL-based Efficient Forwarding for Nanonetworks with Multiple Coordinated IoT Gateways', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2 March 2018.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers
- Jakob Pfender, Alvin Valera and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Performance Comparison of Caching Strategies for Information-Centric IoT', Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN), September 21-23, 2018, Boston, MA, USA.
- Deepak Singh, Bryan Ng, Y.C. Lai, Y.D. Lin and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Modelling Switches with Internal Buffering in Software-Defined Networks', Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN 2018), July 30 -August 2, 2018, Hangzhou, China.
- Jarrod Bakker, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, Can Machine Learning Techniques be effectively used in real networks against DDoS attacks?, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Internet on Things: Privacy, Security and Trust (IoTPST 2018), co-located with 27th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), July 30 -August 2, 2018, Hangzhou, China.
- Michael Emmanuel, Winston K.G. Seah and Ramesh Rayudu, Communication Architecture for Smart Grid Applications, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 25-28 June 2018, Natal, Brazil.
- Hang Yu, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, Multi-gateway Polling for Nanonetworks under Dynamic IoT Backhaul Bandwidth, Proceedings of the 2018 International Workshop on Molecular, Biological and Multiscale Communications, co-located with the 15th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON), 11-13 June 2018, Hong Kong.
- Jozef Mocnej, Adrian Pekar, Winston K.G. Seah and Iveta Zolotova, Decentralised IoT Architecture for Efficient Resources Utilisation, Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems (PDeS), 23-25 May 2018, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Journal Articles
- David Harrison, Winston K.G. Seah and R. Rayudu, Coverage Preservation with Rapid Forwarding in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks for Critical Rare Events, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol 17, No 2, December 2017.
- Hang Yu, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, On-demand Probabilistic Polling for Nanonetworks under Dynamic IoT Backhaul Network Conditions, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol 4, No 6, December 2017.
- Matt Hayes, Bryan Ng, Adrian Pekar and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Scalable Architecture for SDN Traffic Classification', IEEE Systems Journal, 18 April 2017.
- Alvin C. Valera, Wee-Seng Soh, Hwee-Pink Tan, 'Enabling Sustainable Bulk Transfer in Environmentally-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks', Elsevier Ad hoc Networks, January 2017.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers
- Normalia Samian and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Trust-based Scheme for Cheating and Collusion Detection in Wireless Multihop Networks', Proceedings of the 14th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous), November 7–10, 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
- Maria Libunao, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Autonomic Link Management in Wireless Backhaul Networks with OpenFlow and Traffic Prediction', Proceedings of the IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), October 22-24, 2017, Qingdao, China.
- Hang Yu, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Pulse Arrival Scheduling for Nanonetworks under Limited IoT Access Bandwidth', Best Paper Award , Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 9-12, 2017, Singapore.
- Liang Yang, Bryan Ng, Winston K.G. Seah and Lindsay Groves, 'Deterministic Confidence Interval Estimation of Networking Traffic in SDN', Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 9-12, 2017, Singapore.
- Jakob Pfender and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Leveraging Localisation Techniques for Low-Level Data Fusion in Distributed Event Detection', short paper, Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 9-12, 2017, Singapore.
- Deepak Singh, Bryan Ng, Y.C. Lai, Y.D. Lin and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Modelling Software-Defined Networking: Switch Design with Finite Buffer and Priority Queueing', short paper, Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 9-12, 2017, Singapore.
- Michael Baird, Bryan Ng, and Winston Seah, 'WiFi Network Access Control for IoT Connectivity with Software Defined Networking', Proceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys'17), 20-23 June 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 343-348.
- Elliott Wen, Winston K.G. Seah, Bryan Ng, Xue Liu, Jiannong Cao and Xuefeng Liu, 'GBooster: Towards Acceleration of GPU-intensive Mobile Applications', Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017), Special Track: Applications and Experiences, 5-8 June, 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Liang Yang, Bryan Ng, Winston K.G. Seah and Lindsay Groves, 'Equivalent Forwarding Set Evaluation in Software Defined Networking', Proceedings of the 15th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 8-12 May 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Hang Yu, Bryan Ng, Winston K.G. Seah and Ying Qu, TTL-based Efficient Forwarding for the Backhaul tier in Nanonetworks, Proceedings of the 14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 8-11 January 2017, Las Vegas, USA.
Journal Articles
- David Harrison, Daniel Burmester, Winston K.G. Seah and Ramesh Rayudu, 'Busting Myths of Energy Models for Wireless Sensor Networks', IET Electronics Letters, Volume 51, Issue 16, 2016.
- David Harrison, Winston K.G. Seah and Ramesh Rayudu, 'Rare Event Detection and Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks', ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 48, Issue 4, May 2016. (Submitted version)
- Y. Qu, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, 'A Survey of Routing and Channel Assignment in Multi-channel Multi-radio WMNs', Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 65, April 2016, Pages 120–130.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers
- Hang Yu, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, On-demand Efficient Polling for Nanonetworks under Dynamic IoT Backhaul Network Conditions, Proceedings of the 35rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 9-11 December 2016, Las Vegas, USA. (Acceptance ratio: 25.5%)
- La Thanh Tam, Alvin C Valera, Hwee-Pink Tan, Cheryl Koh, 'Online Detection of Behavioral Change Using Unobtrusive Eldercare Monitoring System', Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, December 2016.
- Y. Chen, Bryan Ng, Winston K.G. Seah and A.C. Pang, Modeling and Analysis:Energy Harvesting in the Internet of Things, Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), November 13-17, 2016, Malta. (Acceptance ratio: 27%)
- Jarrod Bakker, Ian Welch and Winston K.G. Seah, Network-wide Virtual Firewall using SDN/OpenFlow, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Security in NFV-SDN (SNS2016), in conjunction with the 2nd IEEE NFV-SDN conference, 7 Nov 2016, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
- David Harrison, Winston K.G. Seah, Hang Yu and Ramesh Rayudu, Opportunistic Geographic Forwarding in Wireless Sensor Networks for Critical Rare Events, short paper, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), November 7-10, 2016, Dubai, UAE.
- Normalia Samian, Winston K.G. Seah, Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain, Azizol Abdullah and Zurina Hanapi, Recharge-As-Reward Mechanism to Incentivize Cooperative Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, short paper, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), November 7-10, 2016, Dubai, UAE.
- Yuki Goto, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Bryan Ng, Winston K.G. Seah and Yutaka Takahashi, 'Queueing Analysis of Software Defined Network with Realistic OpenFlow--based Switch Model', Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 19-21 September, 2016, Imperial College, London, UK.
- Elliott Wen, Winston K.G. Seah, Bryan Ng, Xuefeng Liu and Jiannong Cao, 'UbiTouch: Extending Smartphones with Ubiquitous TouchPads by Leveraging Built-in Proximity and Ambient Light Sensors', Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 12-16 September, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Liang Yang, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Heavy Hitter Detection and Identification in Software Defined Networking', Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 1-4 August 2016, Waikoloa, HI, USA.
- Jonathan P. Olds, Winston K.G. Seah, Ramesh Rayudu and Linus K.L. Wang, 'Accurate GPS-based ENergy harvesting Operated Relative positioning (AGENOR) for Land Deformation Monitoring and Landslide Detection', Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure (ICONHIC), Chania, Greece, 28-30 June 2016.
- Bryan Ng, Alexander Deng, Y. Qu and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Changeover prediction model for improving handover support in campus area WLAN', Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Istanbul, Turkey, 25-29 April 2016. (Acceptance rate of "Modelling of Networks" track: 20.8%)
- Jordan Ansell, Winston K.G. Seah, Bryan Ng and Stuart Marshall, 'Making Queueing Theory More Palatable to SDN/OpenFlow-based Network Practitioners', Proceedings of the 8th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Management of the Future Internet (ManFI 2016), held as part of IEEE/IEEE NOMS 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-29 April 2016.
- Alvin C. Valera, Hwee-Pink Tan, Liming Bai, 'Improving the Sensitivity of Unobtrusive Inactivity Detection in Sensor-Enabled Homes for the Elderly', IEEE PERCOM Workshop on PervAsive Technologies and care systems for sustainable Aging-in-place (PASTA), Sydney, Australia, March 2016.
Journal Articles
- Wai Hong Ronald Chan, Pengfei Zhang, Ido Nevat, Sai Ganesh Nagarajan, Alvin C. Valera, Hwee-Xian Tan and Natarajan Gautam, 'Adaptive duty cycling in sensor networks with energy harvesting using continuous-time Markov chain and fluid models', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Dec 2015.
- Normalia Samian, Z.A. Zukarnain, Winston K.G. Seah, A. Abdullah and Z.M. Hanapi, 'Cooperation Stimulation Mechanisms for Wireless Multihop Networks: A Survey', Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 54, August 2015, Pages 88–106. (Submitted manuscript)
- Muhammad Adeel Mahmood, Winston K.G. Seah and Ian Welch, 'Reliability in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey and Challenges Ahead', Computer Networks, Volume 79, 14 March 2015, Pages 166–187. (Submitted manuscript)
Conference Papers
- Y. Qu, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, 'A Goodput Distribution Model For IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks', Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), Nanjing, China, 14-16 Dec 2015. (Acceptance rate: 29%)
- M. Kobayashi, Bryan Ng, Winston K.G. Seah, S. Saruwatari and T. Watanabe, 'TARC: Throughput-aware Random Scalable Clustering for Network MIMO', Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference – Wireless Networks, San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 Dec 2015.
- David Harrison, Winston K.G. Seah and Ramesh Rayudu, 'Coverage Preservation in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks for Rare Events', short paper, Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, 26-29 October 2015.
- Lawrence Collingbourne and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Teaching Project Management using a real-world group project', Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education (FIE), El-Paso, TX, USA, 21-24 Oct 2015.
- Hang Yu, Bryan Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Forwarding Schemes for EM-based Wireless Nanosensor Networks in the Terahertz Band', Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, Boston, MA, USA, 21-22 Sep 2015.
- S. Singh, Winston K.G. Seah and Bryan Ng, 'Cluster-Centric Medium Access Control for WSNs in Structural Health Monitoring', Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Mumbai, India, 25-29 May 2015.
- Bryan Ng, Matthew Hayes and Winston K.G. Seah,'Developing a Traffic Classification Platform for Enterprise Networks with SDN: Experiences & Lessons Learned', Proceedings of the IFIP Networking 2015 Conference, Toulouse, France, 20-22 May 2015. [Acceptance rate: 47/202 = 23.27%]
- H.I. Liu, W.J. He and Winston K.G. Seah, "LEB-MAC : Load and Energy Balancing MAC Protocol for Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2014), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 16–19 December 2014. (Acceptance rate: 29.8%)
- Alvin C. Valera, Wee-Seng Soh, Hwee-Pink Tan, “Survey on Wakeup Scheduling for Environmentally-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks,” Computer Communications (Elsevier), May 2014.
- Daniel Tomicek, Yek-Hong Tham, Winston K.G. Seah and Ramesh Rayudu, " Vibration-powered Wireless Sensor for Structural Monitoring during Earthquakes", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII), Hong Kong, 9-11 December 2013.
- K. Sooksomsatarn, Ian Welch and Winston K.G. Seah, " Security Analysis of a Protocol for Pollution Attacks Detection", Proceedings of the 38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Sydney, Australia, 21-24 October 2013.
- Normalia Samian, Winston K.G. Seah and Aaron Chen, " Quantifying Selfishness and Fairness in Wireless Multihop Networks", Proceedings of the 38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Sydney, Australia, 21-24 October 2013.
- M.Y. Cheng, Y.B. Chen, H.Y. Wei and Winston K.G. Seah, " Event-Driven Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Health Monitoring", Proceedings of the 38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Sydney, Australia, 21-24 October 2013.
- L. Fan, X. Lei, R. Hu and Winston K.G. Seah, " Outdated Relay Selection in Two-way Relay Network", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 62, No 8, pages 4051-4057, August 2013.
- Alvin C. Valera, Wee-Seng Soh, Hwee-Pink Tan, “Energy-Neutral Scheduling and Forwarding in Environmentally-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks,” Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), vol. 11, no. 3, May 2013.
- Winston K.G. Seah and Jonathan Olds, " Data Delivery Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network Powered by RF Energy Harvesting", Proceedings fo the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Shanghai, China, 7-10 April 2013.
- Daniel Hafiz, Ian Welch and Winston K.G. Seah, "Efficient and Secure Data Aggregation for Smart Metering Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), Melbourne, Australia, April 2-5, 2013.
- Yu Ren, Winston K.G. Seah and Paul Teal, " Performance of Pressure Routing in Drifting 3D Underwater Sensor Networks for Deep Water Monitoring", invited paper, Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (WUWNet), Los Angeles, CA, USA, November 5-6, 2012.
- Jan von Mulert, Ian Welch and Winston K.G. Seah, " Security Threats and Solutions in MANETs: A Case Study using AODV and SAODV", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, Vol 35, No 4, July 2012, pages 1249-1259.
- Jonathan P. Olds and Winston K.G. Seah, " Design of an active radio frequency powered multi-hop wireless sensor network", Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Singapore, July 18-20, 2012. ( preprint technical report version.)
- M. Mani, Winston K.G. Seah, N. Crespi and R. Farahbakhsh, " P2P IP Telephony over Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, A Smart Approach on Super Node Admission", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer, special issue on Multimedia P2P Networking: Protocols, Solutions and Future Directions, 6 June 2012.
- M. Yoshida, T. Kitani, M. Bandai, T. Watanabe, P. Chou and Winston K.G. Seah, " Probabilistic Data Collection Protocols for Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks", International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), special issue on Algorithms and Protocols for Opportunistic and Delay Tolerant Networks, Vol. 11, No. 2/3, June 2012. (Preprint version is available here.)
- Winston K.G. Seah, Y.K. Tan and Alvin T.S. Chan, "Research in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks and the Challenges Ahead", in: Autonomous sensor networks, collective sensing strategies for analytical purposes , G. Urban and D. Filippini (eds.), Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors (SSSENSORS), Jun 2012. (Preprint version is available here.)
- Winston K.G. Seah, et al., " Topology Skewing for Improved Route Selection in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks", Best Paper Award, Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences ( HICSS), Maui, HI, USA, January 4-7, 2012.
- Chisato Fujii and Winston K.G. Seah, " Multi-Tier Probabilistic Polling for Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Energy Harvesting", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), Adelaide, Australia, Dec 6-9, 2011.
- Ankit Chopra, Peter Sam Raj and Winston K.G. Seah, " Utilizing the Inherent Properties of Preamble Sequences for Load Balancing in Cellular Networks", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), Adelaide, Australia, Dec 6-9, 2011.
- Nan Liu and Winston K.G. Seah, " Performance Evaluation of Routing Metrics for Community Wireless Mesh Networks", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), Adelaide, Australia, Dec 6-9, 2011.
- Muhammad Adeel Mahmood and Winston K.G. Seah, " Event Reliability in Wireless Sensor Networks", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), Adelaide, Australia, Dec 6-9, 2011.
- Che-Jung Hsu, Huey-Ing Liu and Winston K.G. Seah, " Opportunistic Routing: A Review and the Challenges Ahead", Computer Networks, Vol 55, No 15, 27 Oct 2011, pages 3592-3603. [>40 citations, as of Apr 2015.]
- Masaya Yoshida, Tomoya Kitani, Masaki Bandai, Takashi Watanabe, Pai H. Chou and Winston K.G. Seah, " Probabilistic Data Collection Protocols for Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks", Proceedings of the 36th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Bonn, Germany, Oct 4-7, 2011.
- H.P. Tan, R. Diamant, Winston K.G. Seah and M. Waldmeyer, " A Survey of Techniques and Challenges in Underwater Localization", Ocean Engineering, Vol 38, No 14-15, October 2011, pages 1663-1676. [>100 citations, as of Apr 2015.]
- W.C. Lin, Winston K.G. Seah and W. Li, " Exploiting Radio Irregularity in the Internet of Things for Automated People Counting", Proceedings of the 22nd Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada, Sep 11-14, 2011.
- W.C. Lin, W. Li, Winston K.G. Seah and Aaron T. Gulliver, "Inferring Human Activity using Overcomplete Dictionary Based Pattern Recognition", Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM), Aug 23-26, 2011, Victoria, BC, Canada.
- Z.A. Eu, H.P. Tan, and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Design and Performance Analysis of MAC Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting', Ad Hoc Networks, Vol 9, No 3, May 2011, Elsevier. [Note: journal impact factor - 1.592
- S.K. Hazra and Winston K.G. Seah, " Measurement-based Link Scheduling for Maritime Mesh Networks with Directional Antennas", International Journal of Network Management, Vol 21, No 2, March/April 2011, pages 83-105, Wiley InterScience. (First published online: 22 Nov 2010)
- M. Waldmeyer, H.P. Tan and Winston K.G. Seah, "Multi-stage AUV-aided Localization for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks", Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Underwater Networks (WUnderNet), collocated with AINA2011, Singapore, Mar 2011.
- Vijay R. Chandrasekhar, Winston K.G. Seah, Zhi Ang Eu and Arumugam P. Venkatesh, Range-free Area Localization Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, in: Wireless Sensor Networks: Application-Centric Design, Geoff V Merrett and Yen Kheng Tan (Eds), ISBN: 978-953-307-321-7, In Tech, December 2010
- Pius W.Q. Lee, Winston K.G. Seah, H.P. Tan and Z.X. Yao, " Wireless Sensing without Sensors -- an experimental study of motion/intrusion detection using RF irregularity", Measurement Science and Technology, Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks: designing for real-world deployment and deployment experiences, Vol 21, No 12, Dec 2010, IOP. [Earlier version: ' Wireless Sensing Without Sensors -- An Experimental Approach', Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium On Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Sep 13-16, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.]
- Z.A. Eu, H.P. Tan, and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting', Computer Networks, Volume 54, Issue 17, 3 December 2010, Pages 2943-2966, Elsevier.
- Xiaoling Qiu, Haiping Liu, Dipak Ghosal, Biswanath Mukherjee, John Benko, Wei Li and Rashmi Bajaj, "Enhancing the Performance of Video Streaming in Wireless Mesh Networks", Wireless Personal Communications: An International Journal (Springer), Special issue on Adaptive Communication in Wireless Networks, 2010.
- Zhiyong Feng, Li Tan, Wei Li and T.A. Gulliver, "Reinforcement Learning Based Dynamic Network Self-Optimization for Heterogeneous Networks", International Journal of Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, 2010.
- Yanjun Yao, Zhiyong Feng, Wei Li, and Yi Qian, "Markov-based Dynamic Spectrum Access Scheme with Primary User’s QoS Guarantee", accepted by IEEE Globecom 2010, Dec. 2010
- S.K. Hazra and Winston K.G. Seah, " Topology Broadcast in Maritime Mesh Networks with Directional Antennas - A Practical Approach", Proceedings of the 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 1-3, 2010.
- V.A. Pillai, Winston K.G. Seah and Y.H. Chew, " Improved Area Estimates for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks", Proceedings of the 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 1-3, 2010.
- I.I. Er and Winston K.G. Seah, " Adaptive Cluster-Based Approach for Reducing Routing Overheads in MANETs", Proceedings of the 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 1-3, 2010.
- A.C. Valera, H.P. Tan and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Improving Link Failure Detection and Response in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ad hoc Networks', Proceedings of the 21th Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Conference (PIMRC), Sep 26-29, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Zhiyong Feng, J. Zhong, Wei Li and T.A. Gulliver, 'Cognitive Multicast Pilot Scheduling for Heterogeneous Networks', Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Fall 2010, Sept. 2010.
- S.K. Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, " Game-Theoretic Approach for Improving Cooperation in Wireless Multihop Networks", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics -- Part B, Vol 40, No 3, June 2010, pages 559 - 574. [>30 citations, as of Apr 2015.]
- Wei Li and T. A. Gulliver, "Mode Transfer Architecture and Cross Layer Design for Connection Aware Applications in Wireless Communication Systems," IEEE CCECE'10, May 2010.
- Wei Li, Zhiyong Feng, Qian Li, Vanbin Le and T. Aaron Gulliver, Dynamic Spectrum Management for a WCDMA and DVB Heterogeneous System, IEEE WCNC'10, Apr. 2010.
- H.P. Tan, A. Gabor, Z.A. Eu, and Winston K.G. Seah, " A Wide Coverage Positioning System (WPS) for Underwater Localization", Proceedings of the IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC) - Ad-hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networking Symposium, May 23-27, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Z.A. Eu, H.P. Tan, and Winston K.G. Seah, " Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting: An Empirical Characterization", Proceedings of the IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC) - Ad-hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networking Symposium, May 23-27, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Pius W.Q. Lee, Winston K.G. Seah, H.P. Tan and Z.X. Yao, ' Wireless Sensing Without Sensors -- An Experimental Approach', Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium On Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Sep 13-16, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
- Che-Jung Hsu, Huey-Ing Liu and Winston K.G. Seah, 'Economy: A Duplicate Free Opportunistic Routing', Proceedings of ACM Mobility Conference, Nice, France, Sep 2-4, 2009.
- Winston K.G. Seah, Z.A. Eu, and H.P. Tan, ' Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting -- Survey and Challenges', invited paper, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE), May 17-20, 2009, Aalborg, Denmark.
- N.H. Mak and Winston K.G. Seah, ' How long is the lifetime of a wireless sensor network?', Proceedings of IEEE 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2009), May 26-29, 2009, Bradford, UK.
- Alvin C Valera, Pius W.Q. Lee, H.P. Tan, H.G. Liang and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Implementation and Evaluation of Multihop ARQ for Reliable Communications in Underwater Acoustic Networks', Proceedings of the IEEE OCEANS Conference, May 11-14, 2009, Bremen, Germany.
- H.P. Tan, Z.A. Eu, and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Impact of Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting (WSN-HEAP) for Railroad Health Monitoring', Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Applications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (AASNET09), to be held in conjunction with AINA 2009, May 26-29, 2009, Bradford, UK.
- Z.A. Eu, H.P. Tan, and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Routing and Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting', Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Apr 5-8, 2009, Budapest, Hungary.
Selected papers published in 2008 and earlier
- Z.A. Eu, Winston K.G. Seah and H.P. Tan, ' A Study of MAC Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting', Proceedings of the Fourth International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2008), Nov 17-19, 2008, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- A.C. Valera, Pius W.Q. Lee, Y.F. Wong, Winston K.G. Seah, H.P. Tan and H. Ju, ' An Experimental Study on Connectivity and Topology Control in Real Multi-hop Wireless Networks', Proceedings of the Fourth International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2008), Nov 17-19, 2008, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- C.H. Mar, Winston K.G. Seah, K.M. Lye and Marcelo H. Ang, Hr, 'An Energy Efficient Cooperative Optimal Harvesting Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks', Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Sep 15-18, 2008, Cannes, France.
- S.K. Ng and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Game-Theoretic Model for Collaborative Protocols in Selfish, Tariff-Free, Multihop Wireless Networks', Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2008, Apr 13-16, 2008, Pheonix, Arizona, USA. (Acceptance ratio (AR): <21%)
- H.P. Tan, A Gabor, Winston K.G. Seah and Pius W.Q. Lee, ' Performance Analysis of Data Delivery Schemes for a Multi-sink Wireless Sensor Network', Highly Commended Paper Award, Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2008), March 25-28, 2008, GinoWan, Okinawa, Japan. (AR: 145/469 < 31%).
- Mehdi Mani, Winston K.G. Seah and Noël Crespi, ' Super Nodes Positioning for P2P IP Telephony over Wireless Ad-hoc Networks', invited paper, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2007), Dec 12-14, 2007, Oulu, Finland.
- Winston K.G. Seah and G.H. Tan, ' Wireless Multihop Networks in Mission Critical Realtime Monitoring and Alerts for Construction Sites', Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII), Nov 14-16, 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
- Z.A. Eu and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Impact of Transmission Power and Routing Algorithms in Designing Robust Wireless Sensor Networks', Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Sep 3-7, 2007, Athens, Greece.
- I.I. Er and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Clustering Overhead and Convergence Time Analysis of the Mobility-based Multi-Hop Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks', Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Special issue: Performance modelling and evaluation of computer systems, Vol. 72, No. 7, Nov 2006, pp. 1144-1155, Academic Press, Inc. [Earlier version appeared in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Performance Modelling in Wired, Wireless, Mobile Networking and Computing (PMW2MNC05) (AR: 29%)]
- Vijay R. Chandrasekhar, Winston K.G. Seah, Y.S. Choo and H.V. Ee, ' Localization in Underwater Sensor Networks - Survey and Challenges', Proceedings of the First ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet), in conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2006 Sep. 25, 2006, Los Angeles, California, USA. [ >120 citations, as of Jan 2012.]
- H.Y. Lee, Winston K.G. Seah and P. Sun, ' Energy Implications of Clustering in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks', Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'06), September 11-14, 2006, Helsinki, Finland.
- M.Q. Xue, I.I. Er and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Analysis of Clustering and Routing Overhead for Clustered Mobile Ad Hoc Networks', Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS2006), July 4-7, 2006, Lisboa, Portugal. (AR: <14%)
- Winston K.G. Seah and H.P. Tan, ' Multipath Virtual Sink Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks in Harsh Environments' ( invited paper), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Integrated Internet, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (InterSense 2006), May 29-31, 2006, Nice, France.
- Winston K.G. Seah and H.X. Tan, Multipath Virtual Sink Architecture for Underwater Sensor Networks', Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE OCEANS2006 Asia Pacific Conference, May 16-19, 2006, Singapore. [>70 citations, as of Apr 2015.]
- Winston K.G. Seah, L.Y. Yeo, Z.A. Eu, H.X. Tan and K.S. Tan, ' Performance Modeling of MANETs Interconnectivity, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (IJWIN), Springer Science, Vol 13, No 2, pp. 115-126, 2006.
- A.C. Valera, Winston K.G. Seah and S.V. Rao, ' Improving Protocol Robustness in Ad hoc Networks Through Cooperative Packet Caching and Shortest Multipath Routing', in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol 4, No 5, pp. 443-457, Sep/Oct 2005. [>70 citations, as of Apr 2015.]
- Y.Z. Liu and Winston K.G. Seah, A Priority-based Multi-path Routing Protocol for Sensor Networks, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (IJWIN), Springer Science, Vol 12, No 1, pp. 23-33, Jan 2005.
- Y.Z. Liu and Winston K.G. Seah, A Priority-based Multi-path Routing Protocol for Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Sept 5-8, 2004, Barcelona, Spain.
- I.I. Er and Winston K.G. Seah, ' Mobility-based d-Hop Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks', Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 21-25, 2004, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. [ >130 citations, as of Apr 2015.]
- L.Q. Yang, Winston K. G. Seah and Qinghe Yin, ' Improving Fairness among TCP Flows crossing Wireless Ad Hoc and Wired Networks', Proceedings of 4th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2003), Jun 1-3, 2003. (AR: 15%) [>85 citations, as of Apr 2015.]
- A.C. Valera, Winston K.G. Seah and S.V. Rao, ' Cooperative Packet Caching and Shortest Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks', Proceedings of 22nd Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM 2003), Mar 30-Apr 3, 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA. (>190 citations, as of Apr 2015.]
- H. Xiao, Winston K. G. Seah, A. Lo and K.C. Chua, ' A Flexible Quality of Service Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks'. Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2000-Spring), 15-18 May 2000, Tokyo, Japan. [ >440 citations, as of Apr 2015.]
Patents and Intellectual Property
- Method and system for monitoring land deformation, Inventors: J. Olds, Winston K.G. Seah and R. Rayudu, PCT International Application no: PCT/IB2017/052328, WO2017183005A1 (2017-10-26); Taiwan patent application no: TW106113658A (2018-01-16); Australia patent application no: AU2017252079A (2018-11-22).
- Method and device for l2tp reconnection handling, Inventors: Hartmut SCHÜLER, Gernot Reuss, Kwang Mien Chan, Senthil Kumar, Yong Shyang Liaw, Joshua Seng Arn Liew, Winston Khoon Guan Seah, Kean Soon Tan, PCT International Application PCT/DE2002/000342, WO2002073932A1 (2002-09-19).