Technical Report Series (ISSN 1179-4259)
2021ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
22-01 | TBC | TBC | 6 Apr |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
21-01 | TBC | TBC | 10 Dec |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
20-01 | Erin Greenwood-Thessman, Isaac Oscar Gariano, Richard Roberts, Stefan Marr, Michael Homer, James Noble | Naïve Transient Cast Insertion Isn’t (That) Bad | 10 Dec |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
19-01 | Mahdi Abdollahi, Xiaoying Sharon Gao, Yi Mei, Shameek Ghosh, Jinyan Li | An Ontology-based Two-Stage Approach to Medical Text Classification with Feature Selection by Particle Swarm Optimisation | 11 Mar | |
19-02 | ShaolinWang, Yi Mei, John Park, Mengjie Zhang | Evolving Ensembles of Routing Policies using Genetic Programming for Uncertain Capacitated Arc Routing Problem | 27 June |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
18-01 | Jozef Mocnej, Adrian Pekar, Winston Seah, Iveta Zolotova | Network Traffic Characteristics of the IoT Application Use Cases (N.B. Please cite the published version below.) | 06 Jan | |
Published as "Application Domain-Based Overview of IoT Network Traffic Characteristics" in ACM Computing Surveys 53(4), Article 87, 33 pages. | July 2021 | | ||
18-02 | Aaron Craig, Alex Potanin, Lindsay Groves, Jonathan Aldrich | Capabilities: Effects for Free | 18 May |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
17-01 | Baptiste Pauget, David Pearce, Alex Potanin | Towards Compilation of an Imperative Language for FPGAs | 09 Sep | |
17-02 | Sophia Drossopoulou, James Noble, Toby Murray, Mark S. Miller | Chainmail: Defensively Consistent Modular Specifications for an Open World | 01 Dec |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
16-01 | David Harrison, Winston Seah, Ramesh Rayudu | Rare Event Detection and Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks | 12 Jan | |
16-02 | David Harrison, Winston Seah, Hang Yu, Ramesh Rayudu | Opportunistic Geographic Forwarding in Wireless Sensor Networks for Critical Rare Events | 15 Mar | |
16-03 | David Harrison, Daniel Burmester, Winston Seah, Ramesh Rayudu | Busting Myths of Energy Models for Wireless Sensor Networks | 5 May | |
16-04 | Boxiong Tan, Hui Ma, Yi Mei, and Mengjie Zhang | Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization for Web Service Location Allocation | 7 June | |
16-05 | Craig Watterson, Bernadette Knewstubb, Dale Carnegie and Marc Wilson | Who owns the teaching and learning environment? | 7 July | |
16-06 | Hang Yu, Bryan Ng, Winston Seah, Ying Qu | TTL-based Efficient Forwarding for the Backhaul tier in Nanonetworks | 24 July | |
16-07 | Zhaojiang Zhang, Hui Ma | Using Graph Databases for Automatic QoS-AwareWeb Service Composition | 1 Nov |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download![]() |
15-01 | Michael Waterman, James Noble, George Allan | How Much Up-Front? A Grounded Theory of Agile Architecture | 13 Feb | |
15-02 | Alexandre Sawczuk da Silva, Hui Ma, Mengjie Zhang | GraphEvol: A Graph Evolution Technique for Web Service Composition | 23 Apr | |
15-03 | Joseph Lee, Jonathan Aldrich, Troy Shaw, Alex Potanin | A Theory of Tagged Objects (with Supplementary Material) | 28 Apr | |
15-04 | Hai Huang, Hui Ma, Mengjie Zhang | Binary PSO for Web Service Location-Allocation | 10 Jun | |
15-05 | Boxiong Tan, Hui Ma, Mengjie Zhang | Optimization of Location Allocation of Web Services Using A Modied Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm | 10 Jun | |
15-06 | Rachel Hunt, Mark Johnston, Mengjie Zhang | Evolving Dispatching Rules with Greater Understandability for Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling | 05 Aug | |
15-07 | Najwani Razali | Operators and precedence in programming language design | 8 Aug | |
15-08 | Sophia Drossopoulou, James Noble, Mark S. Miller, Toby Murray | More Reasoning about Risk and Trust in an Open World | 10 Oct |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
14-01 | Juan Rada-Vilelal, Mark Johnston, Mengjie Zhang | Population Statistics for Particle Swarm Optimization: Deception, Blindness and Disorientation in Noisy Problems | 09 Jan | |
14-02 | Hui Ma, Anqi Wang, Mengjie Zhang | A Hybrid Approach using Greedy Search and Genetic Programming for QoS-aware Web Service Composition | 6 Feb |
14-03 | Yang Yu, Hui Ma, Mengjie Zhang | A Genetic Programming Approach to Distributed QoS-aware Web Service Composition |
6 Feb |
14-04 | Alexandre Sawczuk da Silva, Hui Ma, Mengjie Zhang | A Graph-Based Particle Swarm Optimisation Approach to QoS-Aware Web Service Composition and Selection |
6 Feb |
14-05 | Sophia Drossopoulou, James Noble | Towards Capability Policy Specification and Verification | 10 July |
14-06 | Matthew Hayes, Bryan Ng and Winston Seah | An Architecture for Traffic Classification in Enterprise Networks within the Era of IoT Software prototype available from: |
29 Nov | Please contact Winston Seah |
14-07 | David Pearce | Practical Verification Condition Generation for a Bytecode Language | 12 Dec |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
13-01 | Muhammad Iqbal, Will Browne, Mengjie Zhang | Reusing Building Blocks of Extracted Knowledge to Solve Complex, Large-Scale Boolean Problems - Copyright IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION as in review | 22 Feb | |
13-02 | Michael Homer, James Noble, Kim B. Bruce, Andrew P. Black | Modules and Dialects as Objects in Grace | 26 March | |
13-03 | James Noble, Michael Homer, Kim B. Bruce, Andrew P. Black | Designing Grace: Can an Introductory Programming Language Support Teaching Software Engineering? | 27 March | |
13-04 | David Pearce and Lindsay Groves | Practical Verification Condition Generation for a Realistic Imperative Language | 8th May | |
13-05 | M.Y. Cheng, Y.B. Chen, H.Y. Wei and Winston Seah | Event-Driven Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Health Monitoring | 30 Jun | |
13-06 | David Pearce and Lindsay Groves | Reflections on Verifying Software with Whiley | 6th Sept |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
12-01 | Siva Dorairaj, James Noble, Petra Malik | Distribution and Agility: It's All About Trust (Note: this paper has been superseded by subsequent research) | 11 Jan | |
12-02 | Siva Dorairaj, James Noble, Petra Malik | Understanding Team Dynamics in Distributed Agile Software Development | 16 Jan | |
12-03 | Juan Rada-Vilela, Mengjie Zhang, Winston Seah | A Performance Study on the Effects of Noise and Evaporation in Particle Swarm Optimization | 24 Jan | |
12-04 | Wei-Chuan Lin, Winston Seah and Wei Li | Exploiting Radio Irregularity in Wireless Networks for Automated People Counting | 4 Feb | |
12-05 | Peter Sam Raj | Summer Internship Report: Vibration Energy Harvesting using PEH25W | 8 Feb | |
12-06 | Winston Seah and Jonathan P. Olds | Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by RF Energy Harvesting: Design and Experimentation | 8 Feb | |
12-07 | Siva Dorairaj, James Noble, Petra Malik | Understanding Lack of Trust in Distributed Agile Teams: A Grounded Theory Study | 8 Feb | |
12-08 | Siva Dorairaj, James Noble, Petra Malik | Knowledge Management in Distributed Agile Software Development | 24 Feb | |
12-09 | David Pearce, Nicholas Cameron, James Noble | Whiley: A Language with Flow-Typing and Updateable Value Semantics | 12 Mar | |
12-10 | David Pearce | A Calculus for Constraint-Based Flow Typing | 18 Mar | |
12-11 | Daniel Atkins, Alex Potanin, Lindsay Groves | Clocked References in X10 | 20 Mar | |
12-12 | Julian Mackay, Hannes Mehnert, Alex Potanin, Lindsay Groves, Nicholas Cameron | Featherweight Java with Assignment and Immutability in Coq | 25 Mar | |
12-13 | Muhammad Adeel Mahmood and Winston Seah | Reliability in Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Challenges Ahead | 6 Apr | |
Superseded by: Muhammad Adeel Mahmood, Winston Seah and Ian Welch, " Reliability in Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Challenges Ahead", Computer Networks, Volume 79, 14 March 2015, Pages 166–187. (Please cite this paper instead of the technical report.) |
12-14 | Jan Larres, Alex Potanin, and Yuichi Hirose | A Study of Performance Variations in the Mozilla Firefox Web Browser | 17 Apr | |
12-15 | Yek Hong Tham | Summer Internship Report: Design and Experimentation of a Wireless Sensor Network Node Powered by Vibration Energy | 1 May | |
12-16 | Winston Seah, Y.K. Tan and Alvin T.S. Chan | Research in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks and the Challenges Ahead | 8 June | |
12-17 | Sally C.W. Lu, Quincy Wu and Winston Seah | Quality of Service Provisioning for Smart Meter Networks using Stream Control Transport Protocol | 15 June | |
12-18 | Marco Servetto and Alex Potanin | Balloon Immutable Java | 10 July | |
12-19 | Marco Servetto and Alex Potanin | Our Billion Dollar Fix | 10 July | |
12-20 | David Pearce | Sound and Complete Flow Typing with Unions, Intersections and Negations | 13 July | |
12-21 | Dale Carnegie and Craig Watterson | 2012 TEC Pff838 Engineering Pathways Project Report 30Jul12 Final | 30 July | |
12-22 | Alex Potanin, Monique Damitio, and James Noble | Ownership in Collections: The Statistical Analysis | 17 Aug | |
12-23 | Nicholas Cameron, Sophia Drossopoulou, and James Noble | Ownership Types for Beginners | forthcoming | forthcoming |
12-24 | Michael Waterman, James Noble, and George Allan | Reconciling Architecture and Agility: What Matters? | 1 Nov | |
12-25 | Marco Servetto, Julian Mackay, Alex Potanin and James Noble | The Billion Dollar Fix: Safe Modular Circular Initialisation with Placeholders and Placeholder Types | 29 Dec |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
11-01 | Frank Schmager | Evaluating the GO Programming Language with Design Patterns (Masters Thesis) | 10 Jan | |
11-02 | Winston Seah and Alvin T.S. Chan | Challenges in Protocol Design for Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting (obsoleted by 12-16) | 12 Jan | |
11-03 | Hwee-Pink Tan, Roee Diamant, Winston Seah and Marc Waldmeyer | A Survey of Techniques and Challenges in Underwater Localization | 27 Jan | |
11-04 | Wei-Chuan Lin, Wei Li, Winston Seah and Aaron T Gulliver | Inferring Human Activity using Overcomplete Dictionary Based Pattern Recognition | 8 April | |
11-05 | Wei-Chuan Lin, Winston Seah and Wei Li | Exploiting Radio Irregularity in the Internet of Things for Automated People Counting | 9 April | |
11-06 | Alex Potanin, Monique Damitio, Shane Markstrum, Christo Fogelberg, Andrew Walbran, James Noble. | Are Your Aliases Really Necessary? | 29 Sep | |
11-07 | Nicholas Cameron (Ed.) | Proceedings of the International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement, and Ownership (IWACO) 2011 | 25 July | zip |
11-08 | Winston Seah, A.C. Valera, P.W.Q. Lee and Y.F. Wong | Topology Skewing for Improved Route Selection in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks (Paper has been presented at HICSS-45.) | Aug 18 | |
11-09 | Craig Anslow | TBC | Oct 8 | Please contact Craig Anslow |
11-10 | David Pearce | An Algorithmic Framework for Recursive Structural Types | Oct 15 | |
11-11 | Jonathan P. Olds and Winston Seah | Power considerations for very low duty cycle wireless sensor networks powered by energy harvesting | Oct 16 | |
11-12 | Jonathan P. Olds and Winston Seah | Design of an active radio frequency powered multi-hop wireless sensor network | Nov 16 |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
10-01 | Kok-Lim Yau, Peter Komisarczuk and Paul Teal | Achieving Context Awareness and Intelligence in Cognitive Radio Networks using Reinforcement Learning for Stateful Applications | 29 Jan | |
10-02 | S.K. Ng and Winston Seah | Game-Theoretic Approach for Improving Cooperation in Wireless Multihop Networks | 2 Feb | |
10-03 | Kok-Lim Yau, Peter Komisarczuk and Paul Teal | Learning Mechanisms for Achieving Context Awareness and Intelligence in Cognitive Radio Networks | 26 Feb | |
10-04 | Kok-Lim Yau, Peter Komisarczuk and Paul Teal | Enhancing Network Performance in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks using Single-Agent and Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | 26 Feb | |
10-05 | Yoav Zibin | Featherweight Ownership and Immutability Generic Java (FOIGJ) | 24 Mar | pdf (See 10-16 for the latest version) |
10-06 | Sebastian Link, Ivan Lukovic, and Pavle Mogin | Performance Evaluation of Natural and Surrogate Key Database Architectures | 31 Mar | |
10-07 | Ammar Mohemmed, Mengjie Zhang and Will Browne | Particle Swarm Optimisation for Outlier Detection | 01 Apr | |
10-08 | Sukanta K. Hazra and Winston Seah | Topology Broadcast in Maritime Mesh Networks with Directional Antennas | 03 Apr | |
10-09 | Stephen Nelson, David Pearce, James Noble | Understanding the Impact of Collection Contracts on Design | 20 Apr | |
10-10 | Rashina Hoda, James Noble, Stuart Marshall | Balancing Self-Organizing Agile Teams: A Grounded Theory | 26 Jun | |
10-11 | Craig Anslow, Stuart Marshall | Proceedings of the Workshop on Visual Analytics in Software Engineering - VASE 2009 | Jul | |
10-12 | Craig Anslow, Shane Markstrum and Emerson Murphy-Hill | Proceedings of the Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools - PLATEAU 2009 | Jul | |
10-13 | Sergio Hernandez | Smoothing algorithms for the Probability Hypothesis Density filter | 14 Apr | |
10-14 | Nicholas Cameron, James Noble, Tobias Wrigstad | Tribal Ownership | 26 Jul | |
10-15 | Yoav Zibin, Alex Potanin, Paley Li, Mahmood Ali, Michael D. Ernst | Ownership and Immutability Generic Java (OIGJ) with Owners as Modifiers | 1 Jan | |
10-16 | Yoav Zibin | Featherweight Ownership and Immutability Generic Java (FOIGJ) | 24 Jul | |
10-17 | Keith Cassell, Craig Anslow, Lindsay Groves, Peter Andreae | Visualizing Class Refactoring via Clustering | 25 Jul | |
10-18 | David Pearce | JPure: a Modular Purity System for Java | 28 Jul | |
10-19 | David Pearce | A Featherweight Calculus for Flow-Sensitive Type Systems in Java | 28 Jul | |
10-20 | Hannes Mehnert, Nicholas Cameron, Alex Potanin | Relaxing Ownership with Immutability | 2 Aug | |
10-21 | Keith Cassell, Peter Andreae, Lindsay Groves, James Noble | An Initial Test Suite for Automated Extract Class Refactorings | 17 Sep | |
10-22 | Rohitash Chandra, Marcus Frean, Mengjie Zhang | A Memetic Framework for Cooperative Co-evoltuionary Feedforward Neural Networks | 12 Oct | |
10-23 | David Pearce and James Noble | Flow-Sensitive Types for Whiley | 20 Nov | |
10-24 | Paul Radford, Andy Linton and Ian Welch | Event log messages as a human interface, or, %u201CDo you pine for the days when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?%u201D | 2 Dec | |
10-25 | Carlton Downey and Mengjie Zhang | Parallel Linear Genetic Programming | 15 Dec | |
10-26 | IgnasKukenys, Will Browne and Mengjie Zhang | Transparent, Online Image Pattern Classification Using a Learning Classifier System | 16 Dec |
ECSTR | Authors | Title | Date | Download |
09-01 | Alex Potanin, Paley Li, Yoav Zibin, and Michael D. Ernst | Featherweight Ownership and Immutability Generic Java (FOIGJ) | 15 Jul | Superseded by 10-05 |
09-02 | Alex Potanin, James Noble, Dave Clarke, and Robert Biddle | Featherweight Generic Ownership (FGO) | 30 Mar | |
09-03 | Stephen Nelson, David Pearce, James Noble | Changing Hashcodes: Objects, Intialisation, and Collections | 8 Apr | |
09-04 | Nicholas Cameron, Sophia Drossopoulou | On Subtyping, Wildcards, and Existential Types | 30 May | |
09-05 | Nicholas Cameron, James Noble | OGJ Gone Wild | 30 May | |
09-06 | Nicholas Cameron, Werner Dietl | Comparing Universes and Existential Ownership Types | 1 Jun | |
09-07 | Huayang Xie, Mengjie Zhang | Sample Issues of Tournament Selection in Genetic Programming | 1 Jun | |
09-08 | David Kinzett, Mark Johnston, Mengjie Zhang | Numerical Simplification for Bloat Control and Analysis of Building Blocks in Genetic Programming | 3 Jun | |
09-09 | Ammar Mohemmed, Mark Johnston, Mengjie Zhang | Particle Swarm Optimisation Based AdaBoost for Object Detection | 10 Jun | |
09-10 | Huayang Xie, Mengjie Zhang | Tuning Selection Pressure in Tournament Selection | 16 Jun | |
09-11 | Radek Hes, Ramon Steenson, Christian Seifert | Honey Client Architecture | 20 Feb | |
09-12 | Ian Welch, Roy Maxion | The Application of HAZOP to Experimental Design | Sep | Please contact Ian Welch |
09-13 | Alex Potanin, Paley Li, Yoav Zibin, and Michael D. Ernst | Featherweight Ownership and Immutability Generic Java (FOIGJ) | 14 Dec | Superseded by 10-05 |
09-14 | Rohitash Chandra, Marcus Frean and Mengjie Zhang | Building Subcomponents in the Cooperative Coevolution Framework for Training Recurrent Neural Networks | 25 Nov | |
09-15 | Mahdi Setayesh, Mengjie Zhang, Mark Johnston | Feature Extraction and Detection of Simple Objects Using Particle Swarm Optimisation | 10 Dec | pd |