Lecture Schedule

Systems Programming: Schedule of lectures, assignments, tests, and holidays.

See the TimeTable for times of lectures and labs.

Week 1: 2 - 8 September Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Introduction to the course, programming and C 1-Academic Success and Honesty.pdf
2-Introduction to the course.pdf
3-C Program Design and Compilation Process.pdf
1-Academic Success and Honesty
2-Introduction to the course
Assignment: Introductory Lab (02-08 September): How to use course tools and systems
Week 2: 9 - 15 September Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Control Constructs 3-C fundamentals Control Constructs.pdf 3-C fundamentals Control Constructs (part 1)(part 2) week2.c
Exercise: Exercise 1 (out 9 September)
Week 3: 16 - 22 September Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Functions and Arrays 4-Functions.pdf
Due: Exercise 1 due 7 pm, Sunday, 22 September
Week 4: 23 - 29 September Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Arrays and Strings 7-2D Arrays.pdf
9-More on String.pdf
7-2D Arrays and 8-String
9-More on String
Assignment: Assignment 1 (out 23 September)
Week 5: 30 September - 6 October Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Pointers 10-Pointers.pdf 10-Pointers  
  Due to a national holiday, There will be no lectures on Wednesday.
Due: Assignment 1 due 7 pm, Sunday, 6 October
Week 6: 7 - 13 October Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Arrays and Pointers
Passing Function Parameters
11-More on Pointers.pdf 11-More on Pointers(Part (1), Part (2)) myPointers.c, myPointers.h, testMyPointer.c
  Due to a national holiday, There will be no lectures on Monday. However, there will be one lecture on Sunday, October 13th.
Assignment: Assignment 2 (out 7 October)
Week 7: 14 - 20 October Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Pointers and Structures 12-Pointers and Functions.pdf
13-Structures in C.pdf
12-Pointers and Functions
13-Structures in C
funPointers.c, funPointers.h, testFunPointers.c
Due: Assignment 2 due 7 pm, Sunday, 20 October
Week 8: 21 - 27 October Slides Videos Code
Lectures: More on Storage Classes
Dynamic Memory Allocation
14-Enums and Unions.pdf
15-Storage Classes.pdf
16-Dynamic Memory Allocation.pdf
14-Enums and Unions
15-Storage Classes
16-Dynamic Memory Allocation
testFunWithMemory.c, funWithMemory.c, funWithMemory.h
Exercise: Exercise 2 (out 21 October)
Week 9: 28 October - 3 November Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Review 2022_NWEN241_Test_1.pdf (ans)
2023_NWEN241-Test 1.pdf(ans)
Test 1 28 October - Lecture Time      
Due: Exercise 2 due 7 pm, Sunday, 3 November
Week 10: 4 - 10 November Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Linked Lists, File Stream IO Linked List.pdf
File Stream IO.pdf
File Stream IO  
Assignment: Assignment 3 (out 4 November)
Week 11: 11 - 17 November Slides Videos Code
Lectures: System Calls Command Line Arguments.pdf
System calls.pdf
System calls  
Due: Assignment 3 due 7 pm, Sunday, 17 November
Week 12: 18 - 24 November Slides Videos Code
Lectures: More on System Calls TCP1.pdf
TCP2, System Calls2.pdf
TCP2, Sysmtem Calls2
Exercise: Exercise 3 (out 18 November)
Week 13: 25 November - 1 December Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Process Management Process.pdf
Due: Exercise 3 due 7 pm, Sunday, 1 December
Week 14: 2 - 8 December Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Review 1 Practice_Quiz_4_Solutions    
Assignment: Assignment 4 (out 2 December)
Week 15: 9 - 15 December Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Review 2 2019_Exam_Solutions    
Test 2 11 December- Lecture Time      
Due: Assignment 4 due 7 pm, Sunday, 15 December
Week 16: 16 - 22 December Slides Videos Code
Lectures: Review 2024_Test2_Solutions